The Nina Families Remain Hopeful
Texas Equusearch (TES) and the family members of the crew of the schooner, Nina, lost in the Tasman Sea, released photographs of an image they hope is the Nina. The image was obtained after tasking satellites to take pictures of the Tasman Sea where the 1928 American treasure disappeared along with the 7 hands aboard. TES and the families want the Rescue Coordination Center, New Zealand (RCC-NZ) to open a new search for the sailors.
The search has been intensive and well coordinated. The satellite images are hosted on a crowd sourcing site called
Tomnod. TES and the families worked with Fort Collins based
Digital Globe to take the photographs. Over 16,000 people signed up to help review images. All the hard work may now be paying off.
Mystery Boat, Is This The Nina?
So far, the RCC-NZ refuses to bend on opening a new search for the boat. Under one of their theories, they say the boat sank. However, sinking is one of six scenarios the RCC-NZ postulated about the Nina. Other scenarios include the possibility the boat is disabled and drifting or the sailors took to a life raft. The fact is, no evidence has ever been produced to prove the Nina sank, despite the largest search ever launched by the RCC-NZ.
The families say the Nina is floating in reverse circular currents of the Tasman Sea. As proof, they point to John Glennie, who survived 119 days after his yacht, the
Rose Noelle, capsized off of the East coast of New Zealand. Officials gave up the search for Glennie and the family held a eulogy. Still, Glennie and his 3 crew mates survived the ordeal, fishing for food and catching rain water for hydration. Though the Nina disappeared on the West side of New Zealand, both the Rose Noelle and the Nina had problems on the same day of the year, June 4th, significant because it is winter time.
TES and the families base their assertions on the efforts by a high tech team including volunteer NASA scientists, fluid hydrologists and geophysicists who study what happens to liquid, in this case, ocean water, and things which are deposited in them. Figuring out where the Nina could have drifted to has been a monumental task. However, TES has employed new methods to use existing SAROPS drift analysis software along with the tasking, for the first time ever, of satellites over the Tasman Sea in the search of a private boat.
According to an article in the
New Zealand Herald, meteorologist
Bob McDavitt, the satellite images could not be ruled out as representing the Nina. McDavitt was advising friend and Nina crew member Evi Nemeth, and had the last known conversation by text with the missing sailors. People from all over the world support the reopening of the search for the missing sailors.
Texas Equusearch is a non-profit organization founded by Tim Miller to locate missing people. TES uses high technique tactics plus volunteers to help the authorities locate and close old missing person's cases. TES has been credited with locating over 300 people alive which law enforcement has been unable to find. The Texas based organization has also been able to find over 100 people who were missing and deceased, including a Navy t-34 pilot. None of the TES volunteers are paid, including the Nina search Executive Adviser, Ralph Baird. However, the advances made by the families will help all sailors who become lost in the Tasman Sea.