Thursday, July 17, 2014

Family Asks Time To Respond To Nina Review Report

For those who are following this blog, you might expect an immediate reaction from the writing team about the document prepared by an independent reviewer over the efforts by the RCC-NZ in the search for the 1928 schooner, Nina, and her 7 crew mates, which disappeared on June 4th, 2013 in the Tasman Sea. Of course I have read the report and I have some strong points of view which I am about to express.  Probably.

First, though, out of respect and gratitude, we think it is best to give the family their chance to say something if they want to.  What is clear is a fundamental desire from many people who would like to see search and rescue at sea improved.  Back seat drivers and Monday morning quarterbacks are always incredibly sage, until it is their time in the hot seat, at which time their present wisdom usually escapes them. At the other end of the scale, we are talking about lives.  If we don't look at how things were done we will never get better at what we do.

So, sure.  Considering nothing of the Nina was ever found, and considering the report which mostly praises the RCC-NZ, one must think, isn't there anything that could have been done better?  

What I am not going to do is parrot the lauding of the RCC-NZ as multiple publications have done without asking serious questions.  Instead, I want to congratulate the team that took over the search after the RCC-NZ halted it's search.  I want to thank the RCC-NZ for the effort that was made.  Finally, I am going to say a prayer for the sailors who are missing and perhaps through the miracle of the sea, will one day come back into the lives of their families.

If you want to read the report, you can find it on-line here.

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