Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do You C What I C? Nina Rescue, Bring Seven Sailors Home

C Means Commonality

Blog Index, Learn More About The Nina

Last 5 posts
Page 60  It Was Good New, More Good News and Still More Good News
Page 61  Lafayette, Louisiana to Bassett Nebraska, In Support Of The Nina 7 

Page 62  Prayers For A Pioneer, Equusearch Founder, Tim Miller
Page 63  Equusearch Ready To Scramble Over Life Raft
Page 64  New Zealand Teaches America A Lesson

One of the things that intrigues me about the Nina crew is their diversity.  After doing my research about the 7 people aboard the American treasure, the Nina, a schooner that went missing in the Tasman Sea on June 4th, 2013, my first thought was, "Wow! Imagine the discussions these people will have together!"

It is not that the Nina 7 have common political views.  In fact, a coming together of the left and the right and an in between in an adventure can only yield good things.  That is how the voyage started.  What an eclectic gathering of people!  No one could have imagined the voyage would turn into a major rescue!

These are seven people from very different backgrounds.  Their life experiences will be great opportunities to learn, one from the other. They come from  both liberal and conservative perspectives.  Add to that the unfaltering optimism of the young, tempered with the wisdom of older and experienced thinkers, and one ends up with an incredibly interesting mix of people.

Robin and Ricky Wright speak at a fundraiser in Louisiana

By now, I imagine, this crew knows each other so well, they consider one another family.  More, I have a suspicion, each will walk away from this ordeal with a more accepting and broader view of the other's most cherished viewpoints.

Bringing Home The Nina And Her Crew

When I was a 16 year old youth, I had a very rigid view of the world.  Some adults used to lavish a lot of praise upon me.  

"Why, a member of the Young Republicans.  And you are only 16, Timothy?  Maybe you should run for office!"

"Others would say, "You are going far, kid," not really knowing how far I would go, but wanting to encourage me in the way adults talk to younger people.  

Maybe I am naive, but politics were friendlier in those days, when my dad stood for election as county judge each four years.  Way back when, people actually walked across the aisle to get to know the other side.  For our English friends, "walking across the isle" is a metaphor which means genuinely trying to work out differences in philosophy between members of political parties with divergent views.  

There was a sense we all shared a common purpose, which was to make America better.  No matter which path was ultimately chosen, America would be better from this collaboration between opposing party members with different points on the political compass.   That was the old days.

Today, one of my biggest disappointments has been the fracturing and polarity of Americans.  If I were to leave this Earth today, it is to a less friendly society.   The elephant and the donkey are bitter enemies in some quarters.  They don't know each other any more because they quit talking to each other years ago.   The word compromise does not exist in their vocabularies.  It is as if they have nothing in common, least of which is how to get wherever our country is going, presumably to a better America.  

 If that is how things are aboard the Nina, our crew is in for big trouble.  But you know it can't be that way.  That is because the life-predicament the seven sailors share in common transcends their greatest philosophical differences.  Working together means mutual survival.  One must look out for the other.  By looking at the life struggle of the other, by seeing what bonds them, rather than how each differs, our seven sailors are collectively stronger.  

It is the collective cause which attracts me to the Nina rescue.  It does not matter where you are on various national or world issues or what political party you belong to or even what country you are from. This is an issue we all understand.  We all know how it feels when a loved one is at risk.  Help is needed, now! 

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Because some of that help may need to come from government, our messaging and our ability to appeal to both sides of the aisle, and in fact, many countries around the world, is critical. My question, can we, as volunteers, find the common bond which appeals to each of us and convey that common bond to all Americans, and to all people?  I think we can, if we try.

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